KS2 Year 6 SATs Revision & Practice Papers - SATs UK | Year Six


“Every Year 6 teacher & child should be signed up to YEAR SIX – it’s literally your best friend for Year 6!” Sophie, Year 6 student

If I could only have one subscription for Year 6 (and SATs prep) this would be it. Kids love it, parents love it, staff love it! Simple and effective.

Laura, Year 6 teacher

KS2 Year 6 SATs Resources

SATs Boot Camp consists of 100 online Practice Test Papers in the style of the actual KS2 SATs tests, plus many more tests covering each Year 6 curriculum topic.

Download past SATs papers for Year 6 Maths, English and Science to help you prepare for SATs. All Year 6 past SATs papers can be downloaded for free.

Year 6 SATs are held in the month of May each year. Find out when the next Key Stage 2 SATs tests take place for Year 6 pupils, so you can save the date in your diary!


Revise. Take Tests. View Reports.

Helping Year 6 Children to ACE their SATs.

Download Year 6 SATs Maths past papers, including Arithmetic papers, Reasoning 1 Maths papers and Reasoning 2 papers from all past years.

Download Year 6 SATs English past papers, including Spelling papers, SPAG short answer papers and Reading papers to help prepare for SATs.

Download Year 6 SATs Science past papers, to help the children in your class to prepare if your school is selected to take the Science SATs paper this year.

What are Year 6 SATs?

SATs in the UK are not to be confused with “SAT exams” in the USA which are taken by those wanting to go to college. The UK SATs (or Standard Assessment Tests) are taken in English primary schools in Year 2 and in Year 6 and are used to evaluate children’s educational progress.

The first SATs tests that children take are in year 2 (KS1) and assess children on Maths and English (reading, plus spelling, punctuation and grammar). This test is kept informal, and in 2023 these tests were made optional, meaning that schools will get to decide if they conduct the Year 2 SATs tests or not.

Some schools track children’s progress in Years 3, 4 and 5 with tests that go by the name of “Optional SATs”. These tests are only for the school, but help teachers to monitor students’ progress in those years and also help children to prepare for future SATs exam environments.

SATs in Year 6

Key Stage 2 SATs take place when children are in Year 6 – teachers will carry out SATs Preparation in Year 6 with their classSATs week takes place in May, so children will be age 10-11, depending when their birthday is. Year 6 SATs tests are conducted in a more formal environment than Year 2 SATs, with the tests being timed. The papers are marked by external examiners and the results are shared with parents before children leave primary school in July. Children get their results in the form of a scaled score, and are assessed against national standard expectations for their age.

Preparing your child for KS2 Year 6 SATs

To help your Year 6 child prepare for their SATs there are various things you can do, such as getting your child set up with SATs revision online with a platform like SATs Boot Camp. You can also get them revising with SATs revision papers, such as the Past Year 6 SATs Maths papers and Past Year 6 SATs English papers.

What papers do children take in Year 6 SATs?

Children in Year 6 will sit the following Year 6 SATs test papers:

  • Maths – there are 3 Maths SATs papers: Reasoning 1, Reasoning 2, and Arithmetics.
  • English – there are 3 English SATs papers: a Short Answer Paper that tests grammar and punctuation, a Spelling test and a Reading test.

There is also a Science SATs paper which a number of schools in the UK are selected to take. Schools that are selected for Year 6 science sampling have some flexibility to administer the tests rather than on a set date as with the Year 6 English and Maths SATs papers; normally it needs to be administered within a 2 week period in June.

Here are some pages that provide more information for Parents on Year 6 SATs:

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"SATs Boot Camp is a lifesaver!"
- Teacher, County Durham
"....saved me LOADS of time!"
- Mrs Martin, Teacher
"He's confident about his tests now."
- Alison, Parent
"...makes revising fun and easy!"
- Louisa, Parent